Prepare for VPP app distribution

iOS 7+

There are two ways to distribute VPP apps:

Distribution method Supported version Apple ID Preparation
Per User iOS 7+ Required
  • Register Apple ID to VPP

  • Purchase VPP app licenses

Per Device iOS 9+ Not Required
  • Purchase VPP app licenses


Distribute VPP apps per Device

1. Go to CONFIG > Application and click button of the VPP app.


2. Set it as follows:

Assignment Method Per Device


Note: When changing the license allocation method from per-user to per-device, one license is granted per device. Therefore, if a user is associated with multiple managed devices, the number of licenses may be insufficient and VPP applications cannot be distributed.

Notify Disassociation ON


A notification will appear on the managed device when the VPP app license allocation is released.

Template Select a Template to distribute the VPP app



Distribute VPP apps per User

1. Go to CONFIG > Application and click button of the VPP app.


2. Set it as follows:


Assignment Method Per User


Note: When changing the license allocation method from per-user to per-device, one license is granted per device, so VPP applications cannot be distributed unless a VPP Registered user is associated with the managed device to which the VPP application is distributed.

Notify Disassociation ON


A notification will appear on the managed device when the VPP app license allocation is released.

Template Select a Template to distribute the VPP app